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Haruka - Melody - Lyrics

  • Romaji

    chiisana hana no tsubomi ga
    mada tsumetai hoshizora wo miagete
    "doko he yuku?" tooi kakete ita
    sono hitomi wa adokenai nara

    yami ni magireta
    sekai no hate de
    iki wo shite iru
    sasayaka na negai

    dakishimetai anata wo gyutto
    atatametai anata ga gogoenai you ni
    tsuyoku nozomu nara yasashiku
    kokoro tsunagi sono yume ga todokimasu you ni

    doushite daiji na kodo wa
    soba ni iru to kizukenai no darou?
    "mujou no ai" sono imi te sae mo
    tooku made hanarete hajimete shiru

    koko he oide yo
    anata no mama de
    tsumi no itami mo
    uketomete ageru

    dakishimetai anata wo sotto
    atatametai anata wo tsutsumikomu you ni
    tsuyoku negau hodo tashika ni
    saite saite sono yume wo hanasanai you ni

    kimagure ni kawari yuku
    jidai no naka de
    egao made jouzu ni naranai de
    donna sugata mo machigai ja nai kara
    motto namida nagashite ii yo

    haru no kaze ni utau hanabira
    eien nado koko kara mada mienakute mo
    tsuzuku sorezore no mirai wo
    tadori nagara kagayaki nagara

    dakishimetai anata wo gyutto
    atatametai anata ga gogoenai you ni
    tsuyoku nozomu nara yasashiku
    kokoro tsunagi sono yume ga todokimasu you ni

    sono yume ga todokimasu you ni...

    stay together...
    hand in hand...eternally

  • Kanji



    心 つなぎ その夢が届きますように



    抱きしめたい あなたをそっと
    暖めたい あなたを包み込むように
    咲いて 咲いて その夢を放さないように

    もっと涙 流していいよ

    永遠など ここからまだ見えなくても
    続く それぞれの未来を
    たどりながら 輝きながら

    抱きしめたい あなたをぎゅっと
    暖めたい あなたが凍えないように
    心 つなぎ その夢が届きますように

    その夢が届きますように...[edit]Last edit by Momofied on Tuesday 23 Jun, 2009 at 05:21 +6%[/edit]

  • Translation

    The little bulb of flower
    once again looks up to the cold starry sky
    "Where are you going?"It asked
    With those innocent eyes

    Swallowed by the darkness
    At the world's end
    It's breathing
    The tiny dream

    I want to hold you tight
    I want to keep you warm so you won't be cold
    As long as you wish hard
    Gently, with our hearts united
    I wish you can to reach your dream

    Why did we not realize that
    The important thing is for us to be together?
    Even the meaning of "Unconditional Love"
    I start to realize how far away I am from the answer

    Please come here
    just the way you are
    The pain from your sin
    I will take it all away

    I want to hold you softly
    I want to keep you warm
    like I am going to tuck you in
    It's true that the harder you wish
    the more it blossoms, blossoms
    I hope you will never give up your dream

    In this crazy world that is constantly changing
    Please don't become good at faking your smile
    There is no wrong appearance
    It's okay to shred more tears

    Flower petals sing in the breeze of spring
    Even though you cannot see eternity from here
    Continue on, each individual future
    While it is searching, while it is shinning

    I want to hold you tight
    I want to keep you warm so you won't be cold
    As long as you wish hard
    Gently, with our hearts united
    I wish you can reach your dream

    I wish you can reach your dream
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