Haribini bener2 semangat gw hanya utk telkomsel.... semoga gw bisa ngikutin masa training yg masih deg deg jerrrr ini amiiiin...
Original / Romaji Lyrics English Translation Chirakatta yuka no ue uzukumari hiza o daita Mamorenai yakusoku ga KARENDAA yogoshiteru Balled up, I hugged my knees on a messy floor The broken promises make the calendar dirty Konna hi ga kuru nara Dakiaeba yokatta yo motto Missin' you If I knew this day would come I should have hugged you more. Missing you Anata no KISU wo kazoemashou Hitotsu hitotsu wo omoidaseba Dare yori soba ni itakatta Without you but you were mine Let's count your kisses every single one of them. I remember I wanted to be next to you without you but you we...